




CUG Rank University Name Entry Standards Student Satisfaction Research Assessment Graduate Prospects Overall Score
2015 2014
1 1 Lancaster 442 4.12 2.95 80 100.0
2 2 Leeds 440 4.00 2.85 98.5
3 - Bath 4.32 2.95 97.9
4 4 Strathclyde 487 4.06 2.85 60 97.6
5 8 Newcastle 411 3.85 2.50 86 96.8
6 3 Manchester 409 3.96 2.85 72 96.2
7 6 Cardiff 4.03 3.00 96.0
8 5 Aston 388 4.10 2.70 76 96.0
9 14 Southampton 402 3.86 2.60 94.2
10 11 Royal Holloway 375 3.97 2.65 93.8
11 17 Keele 346 4.01 2.30 80 93.0
12 13 Kent 4.10 2.50 92.4
13 9 Reading 361 3.78 2.40 76 92.3
14 21 Bradford 4.06 2.50 92.0
15 7 Exeter 3.90 2.65 92.0
16 10 Liverpool 381 4.15 2.45 60 92.0
17 20 Essex 346 4.06 2.60 62 91.2
18 18 Brunel 4.10 2.35 91.0
19 26 Oxford Brookes 371 3.87 1.95 74 90.8
20 16 Sussex 391 3.73 2.45 60 90.7
21 22 Bournemouth 344 4.10 1.95 74 90.7
22 19 Stirling 393 3.78 2.30 62 90.7
23 27 Nottingham Trent 334 3.95 2.15 70 89.8
24 15 Plymouth 292 3.85 2.05 82 89.4
25 25 West of England, Bristol 327 3.83 2.15 72 89.4
26 23 Manchester Metropolitan 333 3.85 2.20 68 89.2
27 - Queen's, Belfast 3.54 2.65 89.1
28 12 Hull 307 3.93 2.35 66 88.8
29 28 Swansea 3.80 2.35 88.7
30 34 Bangor 3.88 2.75 52 88.7
31 40 Edinburgh Napier 366 3.95 1.70 66 88.5
32 38 Brighton 281 3.92 2.30 70 88.2
33 29 Portsmouth 304 3.89 2.10 70 88.2
34 31 Lincoln 319 3.95 1.70 74 88.0
35 35 Coventry 289 4.24 1.70 72 87.6
36 33 Salford 3.81 2.25 60 87.3
37 47 Huddersfield 331 4.18 74 87.3
38 30 De Montfort 303 4.14 2.25 56 87.3
39 48 Aberystwyth 318 4.21 1.95 58 87.2
40 42 Teesside 4.06 1.90 86.9
41 45 Central Lancashire 311 4.18 1.95 58 86.8
42 50 Hertfordshire 334 3.91 2.15 54 86.8
43 43 Ulster 304 4.27 2.25 50 86.7
44 24 Dundee 3.64 2.25 86.5
45 37 Westminster 332 3.97 2.00 54 86.3
46 39 Sheffield Hallam 328 3.94 1.90 58 86.3
47 36 Birmingham City 300 4.03 1.65 64 85.6
48 52 Liverpool John Moores 317 4.23 1.45 60 85.5
49 44 Northumbria 3.96 1.80 85.2
50 - South Wales 308 4.30 1.85 48 85.0
51 41 Greenwich 309 4.18 1.75 50 84.4
52 49 Leeds Metropolitan 261 3.70 1.80 70 84.4
53 61 Queen Margaret 339 3.96 1.25 60 84.4
54 57 Gloucestershire 254 3.81 1.40 78 84.3
55 51 Chester 295 4.13 66 84.2
56 53 Glasgow Caledonian 337 3.81 1.95 44 83.9
57 65 Northampton 266 4.13 1.55 62 83.8
58 32 Kingston 281 3.94 2.45 36 82.9
59 55 Worcester 303 3.75 62 82.3
60 46 Staffordshire 3.74 1.95 46 81.9
61 62 Abertay 3.79 1.55 81.7
62 68 Middlesex 269 4.29 2.15 30 81.4
63 72 Derby 304 4.06 50 81.4
64 66 Southampton Solent 291 3.89 56 81.3
65 58 Canterbury Christ Church 259 3.65 68 81.2
66 - Bath Spa 260 4.31 81.2
67 56 Buckinghamshire New 224 3.90 1.70 56 80.8
68 74 Anglia Ruskin 267 3.92 56 80.4
69 71 London South Bank 213 3.96 1.65 56 80.4
70 59 West of Scotland 4.27 1.85 30 80.4
71 - York St John 269 4.05 80.2
72 64 Chichester 248 4.02 79.0
73 70 Roehampton 245 4.02 78.8
74 60 Cardiff Metropolitan 3.79 1.35 46 78.8
75 63 Edge Hill 296 4.00 38 78.7
76 75 Leeds Trinity 235 3.90 77.6
77 73 London Metropolitan 234 3.52 1.55 48 77.6
78 76 East London 252 4.07 36 76.9
79 - Falmouth 268 3.30 76.2
80 69 Bedfordshire 193 3.68 1.70 42 76.2






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