




Master of Accounting   会计学硕士课程
Ø  Duration has changed from 2 years to 1.5 years 变更为1.几年
Ø  Applicants are required to submit a one-page statement including: the reason for applying the program; how completion of the program will enhance career aspirations; a personalized statement detailing how he/she can contribute to the program 申请者除需提供正常申请材料外,附加一页纸Statement, 具体要求可在连接中查看  http://www.study.monash/courses/find-a-course/2016/accounting-b6002?international=true

Master of Advanced Engineering 高级工程硕士课程
Ø  One Year Program entry requirements:  7部分 average 211 graduates ; 8部分 average non-211 graduates  年制课程入学分数要求
Ø  Two Year Program: 6部分 average 211 graduates ; average non-211 graduates  较快制课程入学分数要求
Ø  201几年入学奖学金Scholarship :   $6,000 one off scholarship available to all students who commence the MAE in 2016 ; Offers must be accepted by 31st Jan for Semester 1 and 31st May for Semester 2

Master of Banking and Finance 银行与金融硕士课程
Ø  Applicants must have completed an Australian bachelor degree (or equivalent) and achieved a weighted average mark (WAM) of or an equivalent grade point average (GPA) as determined by the faculty. Applicants will be ranked and selected based on their entire academic record. 
由于之前这个专业要求学生不是金融背景,导致许多金融背景的学生只能申请M of Applied Finance,根据现在新的标准,这个专业面对所有背景学生开放,学制不变依旧是较快的时间。

Diploma of Art & Design 艺术和设计快捷课程
New Fine Art Stream now available (Need Folio) 新开设 Fine Art方向,申请需要提交作品。
另请注意虽然Bachelor of Architecture 申请时不需要提交作品,但是Diploma课程申请Architecture方向要求仍需要提交作品。 

Master of Advanced Marketing  高级市场营销硕士课程
Ø  The Master of Advanced Marketing 4431 is still available for semester 1, 2016. However, it will not be available from semester 2, 2016 onwards.这个课程201几年2月还有招生,从201几年7月起将停止招生。







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