




CUG Rank University Name Entry Standards Student Satisfaction Research Assessment Graduate Prospects Overall Score
2015 2014
1 1 Bath 577 4.45 2.90 86 100.0
2 2 Cambridge 571 4.20 3.10 82 98.9
3 4 Edinburgh 527 3.73 2.90 90 97.0
4 3 University College London 499 3.77 3.05 88 96.5
5 5 Newcastle 436 4.20 2.70 90 95.4
6 7 Sheffield 510 4.26 2.98 74 95.4
7 6 Cardiff 494 4.04 2.75 80 94.6
8 12 Nottingham 487 3.85 2.35 84 93.3
9 9 Liverpool 429 3.91 3.00 74 92.1
10 13 Northumbria 381 4.48 2.45 80 92.0
11 11 Strathclyde 435 3.95 2.25 84 91.8
12 8 Manchester School of Architecture 438 4.15 2.39 78 91.8
13 14 West of England, Bristol 353 4.37 2.30 78 89.9
14 20 Dundee 458 3.67 2.10 76 89.4
15 10 Oxford Brookes 432 3.96 2.20 72 89.2
16 16 De Montfort 312 3.80 2.70 82 89.1
17 27 Robert Gordon 416 3.92 2.05 74 88.5
18 23 London Metropolitan 348 3.94 2.10 80 88.1
19 17 Edinburgh Napier 345 4.31 2.20 88.1
20 21 Liverpool John Moores 345 4.02 2.70 68 87.9
21 15 Brighton 352 4.00 2.74 66 87.8
22 - South Wales 3.72 2.40 87.8
23 22 Lincoln 365 3.71 2.00 76 86.6
24 19 Kent 390 3.79 84 86.4
25 18 Westminster 356 4.01 2.70 58 86.2
26 29 Sheffield Hallam 359 4.16 2.25 62 86.0
27 24 Glyndwr 4.23 76 85.5
28 30 Queen's, Belfast 394 4.55 66 85.4
29 40 Central Lancashire 365 4.09 2.20 54 84.2
30 47 University of the Arts, London 346 3.92 76 84.0
31 28 Huddersfield 336 4.24 72 84.0
32 32 Portsmouth 340 4.02 1.55 68 83.8
33 35 Plymouth 381 3.87 70 83.7
34 33 Bolton 274 4.01 2.05 83.5
35 26 Nottingham Trent 322 3.78 1.95 66 83.5
36 31 Ulster 319 4.10 2.75 46 83.2
37 37 Kingston 352 3.96 68 82.8
38 46 Coventry 290 4.30 70 82.6
39 34 Leeds Metropolitan 313 4.06 1.80 60 82.4
40 38 Derby 290 4.39 66 82.1
41 42 East London 262 4.19 2.35 52 81.8
42 39 University for the Creative Arts 326 3.95 62 80.8
43 44 Greenwich 377 4.02 2.20 36 80.6
44 48 Anglia Ruskin 264 3.99 66 80.0
45 43 Birmingham City 328 3.70 60 79.6
46 41 Arts University Bournemouth 286 3.93 1.20 60 79.2
47 51 Northampton 268 68 78.7
48 49 Middlesex 282 3.61 78.1
49 45 London South Bank 264 3.52 64 78.1
50 52 Cardiff Metropolitan 283 3.68 56 77.5
51 50 Southampton Solent 202 3.83 58 76.2






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