




CUG Rank University Name Entry Standards Student Satisfaction Research Assessment Graduate Prospects Overall Score
2015 2014
1 1 Bath 494 4.50 2.95 88 100.0
2 4 Strathclyde 524 4.21 2.85 80 96.8
3 2 London School of Economics 521 3.98 2.95 83 96.4
4 3 Warwick 509 3.98 2.95 83 95.9
5 11 Lancaster 456 4.30 2.95 79 94.8
6 6 Glasgow 509 4.20 2.35 87 94.5
7 5 Leeds 440 4.12 2.85 83 93.1
8 8 Exeter 458 4.07 2.60 87 92.9
9 14 Durham 421 4.26 2.65 84 92.2
10 7 Loughborough 429 4.16 2.70 84 92.2
11 10 Newcastle 437 4.14 2.50 88 92.1
12 18 Reading 415 4.47 2.50 82 92.0
13 12 City 450 4.15 2.60 77 90.8
14 13 Bristol 440 4.00 2.55 80 89.7
15 15 Manchester 440 4.02 2.85 68 88.9
16 17 Aston 405 4.10 2.70 76 88.8
17 9 Cardiff 399 3.98 3.00 71 88.5
18 21 Robert Gordon 411 4.25 1.90 90 88.3
19 24 Heriot-Watt 434 4.34 2.40 68 88.0
20 22 Kent 395 4.07 2.57 75 87.1
21 16 Edinburgh 443 3.78 2.45 76 86.7
22 19 Southampton 419 3.75 2.60 76 86.4
23 20 Nottingham 415 3.65 2.85 73 86.4
24 25 Sheffield 369 3.96 2.70 74 85.8
25 27 Surrey 418 4.36 2.50 57 85.6
26 29 Liverpool 393 4.10 2.45 69 85.1
27 23 Aberdeen 390 3.95 2.25 76 84.3
28 26 Dundee 406 4.17 2.25 63 83.5
29 32 Queen's, Belfast 417 4.33 80 83.3
30 28 Stirling 375 3.95 2.35 67 82.1
31 40 Salford 317 4.45 2.25 64 81.7
32 35 Huddersfield 339 4.09 2.05 72 80.7
33 31 Portsmouth 314 3.96 2.10 79 80.6
34 36 Keele 356 3.78 2.30 66 79.5
35 44 Queen Mary 393 4.40 65 79.2
36 56 Aberystwyth 315 4.24 1.95 67 78.9
37 33 Birmingham 410 3.98 72 78.7
38 38 Ulster 326 4.00 2.25 63 78.7
39 30 Essex 340 4.14 2.60 46 78.6
40 46 East Anglia 398 4.15 67 78.2
41 39 Manchester Metropolitan 317 4.17 2.20 57 77.7
42 45 West of England, Bristol 332 3.93 2.25 60 77.7
43 42 Bangor 276 4.18 2.75 48 77.4
44 43 Swansea 329 4.07 79 77.3
45 34 De Montfort 296 4.21 2.25 55 77.0
46 50 Glasgow Caledonian 367 4.15 1.80 54 76.7
47 51 Lincoln 311 4.52 65 76.4
48 37 Bournemouth 325 3.84 1.95 63 75.6
49 48 Sheffield Hallam 310 3.94 1.90 59 74.4
50 64 Buckingham 327 4.34 74.4
51 70 Westminster 325 3.90 2.00 54 74.3
52 58 Coventry 294 4.25 67 74.2
53 41 Brunel 327 3.97 2.65 33 74.1
54 47 Oxford Brookes 299 4.12 1.95 52 73.8
55 63 Gloucestershire 246 4.20 76 73.8
56 53 Birmingham City 270 4.40 1.65 57 73.8
57 59 Greenwich 293 4.33 1.75 52 73.7
58 57 Edinburgh Napier 336 4.24 56 73.5
59 49 Northumbria 363 3.92 1.80 46 73.0
60 67 Hertfordshire 336 3.81 2.15 45 73.0
61 62 Brighton 278 3.91 2.30 48 72.7
62 52 Sussex 386 3.80 56 72.7
63 55 Hull 298 4.07 64 72.4
64 60 Leeds Metropolitan 241 4.20 1.80 57 72.0
65 76 Central Lancashire 345 4.30 46 72.0
66 71 Bradford 342 3.85 58 71.5
67 61 Liverpool John Moores 308 4.02 1.45 56 71.3
68 77 Worcester 329 4.00 71.3
69 79 West of Scotland 318 3.98 1.95 40 71.0
70 66 Nottingham Trent 292 3.96 62 70.9
71 74 Sunderland 287 4.16 70.3
72 - Glyndwr 3.89 60 70.3
73 54 Plymouth 263 3.99 2.05 43 69.9
74 69 Chester 280 4.13 69.6
75 - Winchester 294 4.24 47 69.5
76 86 Southampton Solent 248 4.16 53 68.3
77 68 Kingston 306 3.96 47 68.1
78 88 Middlesex 293 4.03 46 67.8
79 72 Northampton 242 4.16 52 67.8
80 81 Edge Hill 264 3.99 67.4
81 73 Anglia Ruskin 215 3.79 66 67.2
82 - South Wales 319 4.28 31 67.2
83 80 Canterbury Christ Church 256 3.99 66.9
84 89 Bolton 238 4.09 1.35 51 66.9
85 78 Staffordshire 216 3.99 58 66.8
86 - York St John 240 4.05 66.5
87 75 Chichester 231 4.07 66.2
88 83 West London 222 4.35 42 65.8
89 84 London South Bank 194 4.21 49 65.2
90 82 Derby 258 4.27 31 64.4
91 87 Abertay 3.89 40 64.1
92 85 Buckinghamshire New 186 4.11 63.8
93 - Birkbeck 218 3.85 63.2
94 91 London Metropolitan 205 4.07 38 62.2
95 92 Cardiff Metropolitan 277 4.02 24 61.9
96 93 Bedfordshire 202 3.89 38 60.9
97 90 East London 237 4.07 26 60.8






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