




Rank Overall rank University Town Graduate salary
1 5 Imperial College London London 31,304
2 3 London School of Economics and Political Science London 28,366
3 10 University of Warwick Coventry 27,941
4 1 University of Cambridge Cambridge 25,724
5 9 University College London London 25,543
6 27 King's College London London 24,975
7 7 University of Bath Bath 24,728
8 2 University of Oxford Oxford 24,574
9 15 University of Bristol Bristol 24,262
10 43 City University London 23,808
11 37 Queen Mary, University of London London 23,064
12 6 Durham University Durham 23,003
13 21 Loughborough University Loughborough 22,832
14 4 University of St Andrews St Andrews 22,672
15 25 University of Glasgow Glasgow 22,461
16 42 University of Strathclyde Glasgow 22,418
17 40 University of Aberdeen Aberdeen 22,403
18 41 University of Buckingham Buckingham 22,240
19 12= University of Surrey Guildford 22,226
20 22 University of Edinburgh Edinburgh 22,179
21 52= The Robert Gordon University Aberdeen 22,125
22 23 University of Nottingham Nottingham 22,083
23 50 Oxford Brookes University Oxford 21,811
24 8 University of Exeter Exeter 21,736
25 38 Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh 21,704
26 16 University of Birmingham Birmingham 21,644
27 29= Aston University Birmingham Birmingham 21,607
28 18= Newcastle University Newcastle upon Tyne 21,573
29 49 University of Dundee Dundee 21,569
30 20 University of Southampton Southampton 21,547
31 46 Brunel University Uxbridge 21,462
32 94 Middlesex University London 21,236
33 121 London Metropolitan University London 21,199
34 112 University of West London London 21,145
35 118 London South Bank University London 21,103
36 33= Cardiff University Cardiff 21,067
37 36 University of Liverpool Liverpool 20,998
38 26 University of Manchester Manchester 20,801
39 29= Queen's University, Belfast Belfast 20,675
40 96= University of Hertfordshire Hatfield 20,624
41 111 Kingston University Kingston upon Thames 20,363
42 - St Mary's University College, Twickenham Twickenham 20,296
43 120 University of East London London 20,276
44 109 Glyndwr University Wrexham 20,177
45 18= University of Sheffield Sheffield 20,101
46 105 University of Abertay Dundee Dundee 20,098
47 14 University of Leicester Leicester 19,931
48 67 Bournemouth University Poole 19,857
49 116 University of the Highlands and Islands Inverness 19,815
50 60 University of the West of England Bristol 19,725
51 101 University of Greenwich Greenwich 19,698
52 11 University of York York 19,638
53 35 University of Reading Reading 19,606
54 106= University of Westminster London 19,601
55 28 Royal Holloway, University of London Egham 19,496
56 117 University of the West of Scotland Paisley 19,456
57 17 University of East Anglia Norwich 19,440
58 76 University of Brighton Brighton 19,428
59 51 University of Stirling Stirling 19,423
60 44 Keele University Keele 19,420
61 100 Edinburgh Napier University Edinburgh 19,343
62 80 Roehampton University London 19,338
63= 33= University of Kent Canterbury 19,310
63= 12= Lancaster University Lancaster 19,310
65 110 Anglia Ruskin University Chelmsford 19,291
66 81 Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow 19,276
67 63 University of Hull Hull 19,256
68 77= University of the Arts London London 19,013
69 45 Coventry University Coventry 18,993
70 24 School of Oriental and African Studies London 18,951
71 106= Bishop Grosseteste University Lincoln 18,933
72 90 Canterbury Christ Church University Canterbury 18,924
73 93 University of Teesside Middlesbrough 18,899
74 69 Edge Hill University Ormskirk 18,853
75 84= University of Bradford Bradford 18,852
76= 91= Birmingham City University Birmingham 18,798
76= 55 University of Portsmouth Portsmouth 18,798
78 48 Goldsmiths, University of London London 18,794
79 95 University of Cumbria Carlisle 18,767
80 71= Queen Margaret University Edinburgh Musselburgh 18,709
81 73= Plymouth University Plymouth 18,703
82 64= Harper Adams University Newport 18,694
83 47 Swansea University Swansea 18,596
84 64= York St John University York 18,583
85 115 University of Bedfordshire Luton 18,574
86 71= University of St Mark & St John, Plymouth Plymouth 18,526
87 62 Northumbria University Newcastle upon Tyne 18,461
88 57= University of Winchester Winchester 18,444
89 98 University of Salford Greater Manchester 18,367
90 52= University of Chester Chester 18,346
91 59 University of Northampton Northampton 18,334
92 96= University of Sunderland Sunderland 18,302
93 77= Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield 18,280
94 61 Nottingham Trent University Nottingham 18,256
95 103 Leeds Metropolitan University Leeds 18,221
96 32 University of Sussex Brighton 18,214
97 73= University of Ulster Coleraine 18,117
98 104 Leeds Trinity University Leeds 18,034
99 108 Staffordshire University Stoke-on-Trent 18,010
100 91= University of Gloucestershire Cheltenham 17,918
101 - Royal Agricultural University Cirencester 17,908
102 114 Southampton Solent University Southampton 17,870
103 83 Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool 17,867
104 84= University of Derby Derby 17,866
105 113 Buckinghamshire New University High Wycombe 17,646
106 89 Manchester Metropolitan University Manchester 17,620
107 73= Newman University, Birmingham Birmingham 17,615
108 39 University of Essex Colchester 17,613
109 66 University of Huddersfield Huddersfield 17,467
110 88 University of Central Lancashire Preston 17,409
111 86 De Montfort University Leicester 17,398
112 56 Bangor University Bangor 17,307
113 87 Cardiff Metropolitan University Cardiff 17,289
114 102 University of Worcester Worcester 17,170
115 68 University of Chichester Chichester 17,060
116 82 Aberystwyth University Aberystwyth 17,023
117 99 University for the Creative Arts Farnham 17,008
118 119 University of Bolton Bolton 16,802
119 52= Arts University Bournemouth Poole 16,636
120 57= University of Lincoln Lincoln 15,931
121 70 Bath Spa University Bath 15,885
122 77= Falmouth University Falmouth 15,175
123 - Norwich University of the Arts Norwich 14,754






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